Flies. Are. A. REAL. Problem. Not sure what to do about them. Yesterday I waited til evening and wandered over to the first herd's new gaff. Having spoken to their guy first, me and my little lamb ventured into the field with them. They were quite curious. Not very, but enough to get up close and personal for some intimate shots. But God those flies ... not nice. So I need to have a think about that. Later we headed over to herd number 2's evening milking event. Not so many flies - great! But being an indoor gig, there's not much light either. Hmmm. What about first thing in the morning? Well I headed up hill to herd number 3's field at 7.30 this morning. They are a lovely colour, great hair, rather younger and sweeter than herds 1 and 2, and way more curious. Which is great - more up close stuff. But my God those flies ...
I reckon that some kind of cleaning operation is going to be required. Which raises the stakes somewhat. Otherwise it's plan B. Which little lamb came up with last night. What else is distinctive? Skin patterns. Not sure that's interesting enough for a photo book, but hey, don't knock it until you've tried it ...
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