Thursday, January 20, 2005

Strikes - the true national sport of France

I was just getting to the stage of spitting blood on the new French strikes this week when petite anglaise beat me to it ...

Call me selfish, but I find it hard to have much sympathy for French civil servants. Not because when they strike it is a battle to get to and from work and I don’t receive any post. Althought that clearly doesn’t put me in the most sympathetic frame of mind. Not because in general they work far fewer hours than people employed in the private sector, have a job for life and get to retire at least 5 years earlier, on a better pension. Even though they make smaller social security contributions.

The thing that really gets on my nerves is the fonctionnaire attitude I have had to deal with time and time again. Public service would appear to be a misnomer. After ... countless ... soul-destroying exchanges with French civil servants, I find myself struggling to have any sympathy for the ‘plight’ of the nation’s fonctionnaires.

Now I'm happy to take some deep breaths and get on my pristine SNCF train at the weekend and enjoy a punctual and efficient service, without a trace of hypocracy... this is for ranting after all...

[UPDATE] Impeccable service from SNCF. Everything pristine, on time and affordable. Credit where it's due and all that...

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